Thursday, October 16, 2008

Using Google Docs in Class

I think that using something like Google Docs in a class would be beneficial. Although this was my first time using it, I really liked it. It made the group project easier since we were able to go into one central document and edit or add information to it. We could all access the document without having to email it or download it. The project was done faster since we had access when we wanted it, not when it was convenient for someone else to send it to us. There was no "back and forth" with revisions or additions. The document stayed in one place and we all worked in it as needed.

I am not sure how many professors would actually welcome such a document unless they were computer savvy and knew the benefits of it. Although, if it were for a group project, why would they object. The only possible drawback that a professor might see would be NOT knowing who did what part of the project if the parts were not handed in individually...but Google docs addresses that issue by listing who edited the document, what the revisions were, and when they were made. Now that I really think about it, there doesn't really seem to be any drawbacks that I can think of (but, like I said, this was my first time using it) that would keep a professor from using it in a class.

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