Saturday, October 25, 2008

Rutgers Educational Experience

Can't Stop

With an end finally in sight, I am closing in on graduation from the MLIS program. I began over 2 years ago, wanting to change careers. I had been out of school for almost 17 years and, frankly, was very nervous about going back. But, I said to myself that if I didn't do it now, I'd never do it. So it began. Working full-time and going to school 2 nights a week, doing homework and reading the other days, on top of all my job related responsibilities was a lot. There were days I'd get up at 6am and not walk back into the house until 10:30pm, with things to do before I could go to bed...just to get up the next day and do it all again.

This picture really sums up the last few years. I can't stop and I've got to be "swift" or I won't get everything done. I can't believe that it's almost over. It seems like it just began. I've learned so much and met so many people, all who have been a positive force in my education. Although it has been difficult at times, I look forward to the day that I can put it all to use. I have even met a few contacts that, hopefully, will lead to a job as a children's librarian. Was all the hard work, late nights, papers, group projects, reading, lack of sleep, etc., all worth it? You bet it was...and I look forward to graduation in May!

If you would like to see more of MY pictures from the edexperience project, click here:

If you would like to see other student's pictures from the edexperience project, click here:

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