Saturday, October 4, 2008

FEED--final thoughts

I think that with our current technology we could be very close to the society in Feed. However, I am not sure that any of us really want that. It seems like the FEED they had could be great (or convenient) in certain situations, but I am sure that we are all too conscious of what the downside would be to having that chip implanted into our brains. We see that kind of technology daily on our computers and really, how hard would it be to take that technology and put it in a tiny chip, which probably already exists somewhere? With all of today's medical technology, with all of the artificial this and that, including transplants, I'm sure that they could figure out a way to implant that chip into our brains. I believe that the reason that we have not, as a society, come to that yet is because we all know the eventual price we would pay if this were to be done.

Two things struck me about the society of Feed. The first thing was the acceptance of the lesions. Why did they not realize that these lesions meant that their bodies were deteriorating? Didn't they realize that this was NOT a good thing. Instead, they turned this into a fashion statement...which I am sure was just a commentary on todays society!

The second point that really struck me was how ironic it was that Violet had "messed with the feed" and how that is what wound up killing her. If she had not done that, some company who found her to be a qualified consumer would have picked up the tab to fix her! What a statement that made on big business! And truly, I did not expect this. I guess I am so used to happy endings that I thought that somehow, someone would pay for her medical bills, her feed would be repaired and everyone would live happily ever after. I guess I shouldn't have thought that in such a dark, futuristic satire things would have turned out "happily ever after!"

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