Thursday, October 30, 2008

Podcasts Versus Text Based Blogging

I think that it is hard to compare Podcasts and Text Based Blogging since they are both good ways to transfer information. It just comes down to which format you prefer.

Text Based Blogging
  • Anyone can view it on their computer
  • Quick and easy for blogger to write
  • Easy to read through quickly/skim
  • Can add many things to blogs, such as widgets and other gadgets
  • If educational, some people are visual learners
  • Can subscribe to RSS feed


  • Some computers do not have software to listen to podcasts
  • Can be more time consuming to create
  • If educational, some people are auditory learners
  • Can download and go
  • Can multi-task while listening to podcast
  • More realistic--speaker can add feeling through intonation
  • Can subscribe to RSS feed

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