Saturday, October 4, 2008

RSS and Information Overload

I believe that RSS definitely adds to Information Overload. Until last week I had never used RSS feeds. So, when I began subscribing to different feeds and receiving updates via blogline and Google Reader, I was overwhelmed. I have to say, though, that I liked the idea of being able to view the updates in one place as opposed to going from blog to blog, but I felt compelled to constantly view the aggregator to see if there were updates. It was like an addiction!! LOL

Unfortunately, my blogline account is not working right. It began working and then a few days later it stopped posting updated posts. It went for almost a week without updating. It finally updated earlier today and I was excited! LOL But, in viewing the account earlier tonight, it has not updated since. My Google Reader account, though, is updating just fine! I obviously prefer Google Reader!

Now, seriously--if you subscribe to multiple RSS feeds I can see how this would definitely save you time. You can read all your feeds on one page and not have to go to multiple pages to view each individual feed. For someone like me, who never subscribed before, either way, it seems like information overload!

PS--Apparently I was wrong! After posting this, I was reading Social Software in Libraries by Meredith Farkas and on page 63 she stated that "RSS is the ultimate tool for preventing information overload." Who knew?! LOL

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