Monday, December 8, 2008

What Would I Change

I don't believe that there is much, if anything, that I would change about this class. I enjoyed all of the topics that we covered and learned a great deal. There is so much that can be done that I had no idea about before this class.

I think that my personal favorite was the screencasting. I really enjoyed learning how to do that. I also liked the week we spent on Flickr and learning how to edit photos.

If I'm being honest, the one thing that was difficult was the work load at times. I found the homework to be very time consuming, maybe moreso due to the fact that I was not a computer whiz! Also, I enjoyed commenting on other people's blogs, but felt pressured to have my blog posting done early enough so that others would not have to wait for me to do my work in order for them to finish theirs...and I didn't particularly like having to wait until the last minute to finish my homework because I was waiting on someone else, either!

Overall, I can see myself using MANY of the things that we learned in this class...and I'm NOT just saying that to get a good grade! LOL

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