Saturday, September 27, 2008

Blogline vs. Google Reader

Since this is the first time I am using/learning about RSS feeds, "readers" and aggregators and have never used either Blogline or Google Reader, they both seem very similar to me...and hard to use.

Both Blogline and Google Reader seem to be free online services used for searching, subscribing to, creating and sharing feeds and blogs. They can both be accessed from any computer without downloading any software. Both were very easy to start an account with. THAT is all I seem to know but I am sure that I will get more comfortable with both the more I use them.

One major difference I did notice was that it was easier to add feeds/URLs in Google Reader. All you had to do was put the URL into a pop-up and hit ADD and you were done. Blogline wasn't much harder but there were more steps along with figuring out which option I wanted to use to subscribe to the feed. going back to find out exactly what the steps were to add a URL in Blogline, I found an easier way! You can click on the ADD button in the top left corner and put in the URL and up will pop a list of feeds matching your search. (I guess I will get better the more I use both! :/)

Another very basic feature I noticed was that both would let you manage your feeds with folders. Both seemed easy to manage, but I did notice something on Google Reader. It had a "TRENDS" button that let you see your subscription trends and reading trends...very MT Anderson FEED-like!!! Not sure if I liked they way they use information to create a profile of you!! I did, however, think that Google Reader seemed visually more friendly.

I'm sure that as I become more familiar with both Blogline and Google Reader I will begin noticing differences that will make one of them my preferred "reader"!

1 comment:

Roel said...

That's something I'm concerned about too, Google's "monitoring" of your habits to try to tailor things to your. You're right, very "Feed".